Individual Submission Summary

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Entrepreneurial Team Diversity and Performance: The Role of Family Relationships

Sat, August 11, 10:30 to 11:30am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon G


Integrating team diversity and family business literatures, this paper examines how team diversity contributes to team productivity in entrepreneurial teams depending on the extent that family relationships are present in a team. Examining a panel of 282 new venture teams over a period of five years, we find support for the idea that family relationships positively moderate the relationship between bio-demographic diversity (age and gender diversity) and team productivity in nascent entrepreneurial teams. This study also suggests a general theoretical framework on how identity confirmation process can be achieved through team members’ established relationships and cross-categorization, resulting in reduced negative impacts of bio-demographic diversity. Our findings provide valuable insights to scholars interested in team diversity, family business, and the new venture creation process.
