Individual Submission Summary

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Religion and Fertility among Migrants and Native Populations and in France

Sun, August 12, 2:30 to 4:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, 405


In this paper, we argue the relationship between religion and fertility among immigrant populations in Europe requires further and more discerning analysis. We focus on the French context, because France is home to one of the largest immigrant populations in Europe, including one of largest Muslim populations. Using data from the French Trajectories and Origins (TeO) survey, we explore whether the relationship between religion and fertility is moderated when we account for religiosity, ideological differences, and socioeconomic disadvantage. We also explore how the relationship between religion and fertility differs depending on generational status. Our analysis deepens understandings of the linkages between religion and fertility and provides insights into the mechanisms linking falling fertility between first and second-generation migrants.
