Individual Submission Summary

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Gender Differences in the Predictors of Four-year Mortality among Older Adults in Puerto Rico

Mon, August 13, 2:30 to 4:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, 113A


The aim of this study is to identify gender-specific predictors of mortality in order to inform intervention strategies of health promotion, prevention and control of diseases, and understanding mortality risk among the island Puerto Rican population aged 60 and older. We use data from the Puerto Rican Elderly Health Conditions Project (PREHCO) to estimate mortality. PREHCO is a two-wave panel survey of noninstitutionalized island dwelling adults aged 60 and older that began in 2002-3 with a follow-up interview in 2006-7. Mortality information is collected by a proxy or informant, usually a family member of the deceased respondents. We find that older Puerto Rican males and females who reported diabetes and stroke were more likely to die over the four-year period. In addition, female and male former smokers were at risk for increased mortality. Self-rated health, disability, and other health conditions were not associated with mortality for both males and females.
