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A Mathematical Approach to Relative Innovation

Mon, August 13, 4:30 to 5:30pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, 113A


Scholars and practitioners have long debated the merits of first-mover advantages (FMA) versus second-mover advantages. One the one hand, benefits derived from FMA include capturing value by appropriating a particular product or process, access to, or ownership of certain assets before competitors have the chance to follow suit. On the other hand, first-movers may suffer from a lack of legitimacy. As a way to alleviate some tension between these views about the advantages of first- versus second-movers, we develop new measures based on whether a product represents a deviation from previous firm products or products on the market. Results from a preliminary study provide clear support for second-mover advantages. Drugs that are both familiar to the firm and exist on the market, but are used in a new way, are more likely to be successful.
