Individual Submission Summary

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Subjective Caregiver Burden, Quality of Life, and Sense of Purpose in Caregivers of Chronic Disease Patients

Mon, August 13, 2:30 to 4:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, 113A


Drawing on the stress process model, this research poses two main research questions: Does caregiver burden contribute to lower quality of life? If yes, does sense of purpose in life moderate the effect of caregiver burden on quality of life? Using a sample of 53 informal caregivers to patients with chronic illnesses, linear regression models were used to examine the relationships among caregiver burden, sense of purpose, and quality of life. The findings reveal that higher caregiver burden is significantly associated with worse quality of life; however, there was evidence of a moderating effect: the negative effect of caregiver burden on quality of life was lessened among respondents who attained greater purpose in life through caregiving. This study builds on prior research and shows the importance of sense of purpose as a resource for informal caregivers, especially those experiencing high levels of perceived burden.
