Individual Submission Summary

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The Big Red Rape Video: The Bystander Affect, Humor and Disapproval in Peer Interaction

Mon, August 13, 2:30 to 4:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon D


This paper utilizes content analysis of a transcription of the “Big Red Rape Video” to show that while the key conversational activity is humor about the sexual assault, some speakers were dissatisfied enough with this interpretation and attempted to intervene via social control, yet their dissatisfaction did not result in reporting the event to authorities. Content Analysis of the transcription examines the role of humor in diffusing bystander guilt along with the ways individuals express disapproval of peer behavior, in conversation, within the same social network. Individuals used social control to check Nodianos on the inappropriate nature of his comments but were ultimately unsuccessful. Social theory regarding the bystander effect, humor in conversation, and the background context of rape culture, can explain some of the interactional exchanges in the video.
