Individual Submission Summary

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Dude, I Want to Kill Myself: Masculinity, Emotion, and Suicidal Ideation in Online Support Groups

Mon, August 13, 2:30 to 4:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon D


Suicide among men has been linked to hegemonic masculine norms that led men to actively suppress their emotions (Clark 2012; Garcia 2016). Spaces of support where men can openly discuss experiences of vulnerability, grief, loss, shame, and guilt are limited. Emotional suppression, alongside social isolation, has been said to leave men feeling isolated and without an option other than suicide (Pirkis et al. 2017). This paper seeks to understand if and how online support groups change this dynamic. Looking to the sub-Reddit forum “Suicide Watch” as one such space, we find evidence that men seek support online and express their suicidality in lieu of their expressions of masculinity. In this space men gain specialized gendered support from commenters and emotional freedom that is not seen during in-person interactions. Beyond this, we seek to further understand the suicidal ideation of men in general. Our analyses reveal multiple sources of suicidality for men, including financial, relationship and masculinity struggles. In particular, relationship struggles highlight gender differences in suicidal ideation, with men and women writing about them and struggling with them in different manners.
