Session Summary

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1209 - #MeTooPhD: Addressing Sexual Violence in and through Sociology

Sat, August 11, 10:30am to 12:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, 104A

Session Submission Type: Workshop


In recent months, we have witnessed the issue of sexual violence shift from silence to national discourse. From the election of sexual predator to US president, to the outing of multiple harassers and rapists in Hollywood, and thousands of survivors sharing their stories online via the #MeToo social media hashtag, attention to sexual violence has increased and demands for ending it have grown louder. Academia, like every other social institution, is not immune from the pervasiveness of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and stalking. This workshop brings together survivors, experts, and activists to achieve two goals. First panelists will discuss ways to effectively prevent sexual violence and support survivors of such violence in multiple contexts in sociology, including classrooms, departments, conferences, research abroad, and online. Second, panelists will speak to the ways that we might use sociology to support broader movements to end sexual violence around the nation.

Sub Unit

Session Organizer

