Individual Submission Summary

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Standpoint Epistemology and the Study of Intersex

Tue, August 13, 10:30am to 12:10pm, New York Hilton, Floor: Second Floor, Clinton


Despite a growing global intersex rights movement that is racially diverse, much of the sociocultural scholarship on intersex is limited to analyses of white intersex people in the United States by researchers who are white, cisgender, and straight. In our presentation we raise this methodological limitations about existing intersex studies and advocate for future research on intersex by marginalized scholars who are committed to recruiting a diverse pool of research participants who have otherwise been missing from previous intersex analyses. While existing intersex studies are foundational to our understanding of intersex and have undeniably paved the way for our present concerns, we contend it is crucial for intersex to be analyzed outside of a hegemonic framework for justice to be served.
