Session Submission Summary

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2221 - Racial Justice

Sun, August 11, 10:30am to 12:10pm, New York Hilton, Floor: Second Floor, Sutton Center

Session Submission Type: Invited Session


In the 1903 W.E.B. DuBois noted that the problem of the 20th Century was the color-line, but well into the 21st Century contemporary sociologists are still grappling with the consequences of deeply structured racial inequality in the United States. Much research has been examining the dynamics of this inequality and the mechanisms that continue to reproduce white domination as a defining characteristic of U.S. social structure. The 114th Annual Meeting of the ASA is focused on engaging social justice, and it is clear that racial justice must be centered in this discussion. This panel brings together prominent scholars who have studied and considered the mechanisms and consequences of systemic racism in the United States and pushes the work to consider how sociologists can approach a project of systemic racial justice.

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