Session Submission Summary

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Betting on Black: Trials and Triumphs of Black Scholars Entering into the Job Market

Thu, Sep 24, 10:00 to 11:50am, Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Floor: 2, Savannah 3 (Level 2 Lobby)

Session Submission Type: Roundtable


For black academicians, entering into the academy can often be a daunting task. You have just defended the dissertation, and are looking forward to reaping the rewards that you hoped the countless years and hours you have sacrificed for earning this degree promised. It is often a frustrating position to be in, the application process often times feels like a crap-shoot. You’ve heard the horrifying stories of the market being abysmal and the countless exposé studies of struggling adjuncts and are understandably feeling anxious and unsure about your future prospects. You find yourself at the end of what seemed to be a never ending journey into the elite society of black PhD holders faced with more questions than answers. While academics generally are faced with the questions upon completion such as: Should I apply to a small liberal arts college or should I be aiming for a research I position? Do I want to continue working in academia? What are some of the challenges I could potentially face when making the transition from doctoral candidate to professor?, black academicians are faced with the additional questions of: Should I prioritize my selection based on socio-cultural needs versus institutional benefits? Am I mentally and emotionally prepared to be the only or one of very few black faculty members at this institution? With the help of four recently finished and hired scholars this panel seeks to interrogate the challenges and offer practical solutions for entering the job market, expose the struggles of navigating the market as a black scholar, and explore alternative options after signs of occupational incompatibility.

Sub Unit

