Session Submission Summary

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Culturally Relevant Education and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Sat, Sep 30, 2:00 to 3:50pm, Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, Floor: 4th Floor, Salon FG--AV Room

Session Submission Type: Panel Session


This panel presentation seeks to explore the construct of institutional White supremacy as a substructure underpinning the American education system. On several occasions, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called for Black educators to take over the educational system. He intensified this cry October 10, 2015. This examination is a response to his demands to eradicate the racist Western education model. The research questions that guide this presentation: What is the purpose of education? What should education produce? What should be present in a new curriculum?
The panel’s intention is to inspire and encourage black administrators, faculty, and policy makers to look outside the existing curriculum and build a separate educational system. Our proposed educational paradigm injects the “Teachings” of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad into formal education. His paradigm speaks directly to the needs of the Blackman, woman, and child by erasing misnomers of innate black inferiority. Each panelist will forward their personal experiences regarding the importance of culturally relevant pedagogy and how the “Teachings” possess the proclivity to usher in a new educational system.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations
