Individual Submission Summary

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A Police Agency's Use of a Neighborhood Effects Model to Prevent Crime in Disadvantaged Areas

Wed, Nov 18, 11:00am to 12:20pm, Hilton, Embassy, Terrace Level


The confluence of disadvantages in neighborhoods has been linked to elevated levels of crime, especially violent crime. Most police forces use hotspot analysis to target high crime neighborhoods. However, some agencies have become acutely aware of neighborhood impacts on crime and have begun to identify highly disadvantaged neighborhoods to tackle a variety of community ailments. These practices indicate a switch from police response to crime prevention. Prince George's County Police Department (PGPD) has been using a neighborhood effects model in an attempt to prevent crime in neighborhoods with high levels of disadvantage. This study will attempt to document and communicate how PGPD defines and identifies disadvantaged neighborhoods, how the department addresses public safety in these areas, how police resources are allocated to accommodate the prevention program, and the ways in which public safety has improved in the targeted areas. A discussion of similar programs in other police departments, suggestions for program improvement, and various law enforcement policy and practice issues will follow.
