Individual Submission Summary

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Human Rights Abuse in Africa: Implications for Social and Political Stability

Fri, Nov 18, 2:00 to 3:20pm, Hilton, Cambridge, 2nd Level


Human rights abuse by governments in Africa helps to stoke civil unrest and acts of violence, as citizens feel they are not being treated properly. Africa made democratic strides in the 1990s. Some of these gains have been sustained, but many countries seem to be faltering. The measures of stability in an organized society are the provision of basic human rights and civil liberties to citizens. This paper will analyze the annals as well as contemporary forms of human rights abuse in sub-Saharan Africa. The methodology is a descriptive analysis of secondary data, literature, published books, and historical documents. A critical theory framework will be utilized to explain the correlation between human rights and socio-political stability. Policy recommendations include upholding the rule of law, strong democratic institutions and having an open, transparent and accountable government.
