Session Submission Summary

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Exploring and Explaining Pathways in Crime

Thu, Nov 17, 9:30 to 10:50am, Hilton, Grand Ballroom A, 1st Level

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Young people’s pathways in crime are very different. Research suggests that most young people commit no or occasional crime while some embark on more or less prolonged criminal careers. Based on the DEA model of Situational Action Theory, and utilizing the unique prospective longitudinal dataset from PADS+ (the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study), this session will aim to explore and explain young people’s trajectories in crime (ages 12 to 24) as influenced by their initial levels and trajectories of crime propensity and criminogenic exposure. We will also aim to explore (as the causes of the causes of change) the drivers of trajectories in crime propensity and criminogenic exposure.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

