Session Submission Summary

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Violence Exposure in Childhood and Criminal Activity: Connections and Correlates from Longitudinal Studies

Fri, Nov 18, 11:00am to 12:20pm, Hilton, Starboard, Riverside Complex

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Research studies are beginning to explore the long-term adult outcomes as well as psychophysiological effects of children’s exposure to violence, which will be the focus of this panel of experts. The first presenter, Dr. Cathy Spatz Widom, will discuss her new research which examines the later in life outcomes of her original 1989 study population, specific to domestic violence, child abuse perpetration, and adult criminal activity. These findings illuminate the long-term connections between such outcomes and children’s exposure to varied forms of abuse and trauma. The second panelist, Dr. Todd Herrenkohl, will present on findings from his research, which uses data from a longitudinal study of more than 30 years. These data allow for an examination of the long-term, adult outcomes, specifically related to adult engagement in crime and IPV perpetration. Finally, Dr. Patricia Kerig will present preliminary findings from the first wave of a longitudinal study investigating psychophysiological reactivity in the aftermath of trauma exposure within a sample of detained youth. Concluding the panel, Dr. Dara Blachman-Demner, will lead the discussion on the implications and potential intervention efforts possible while taking into account this new deeper understanding that abuse and maltreatment has on a child’s development and long-term outcomes.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

