Session Submission Summary

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Connecting Research to Practice Using the Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP™): Improving Juvenile Justice Outcomes

Wed, Nov 16, 9:30 to 10:50am, Hilton, Grand Ballroom A, 1st Level

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Mark Lipsey’s Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP™) has been used as a cornerstone of juvenile justice reform in several states. This session will focus on how the SPEP™ Process is being validated and further developed to improve outcomes for delinquent youth. Topics covered include an examination of SPEP™’s four key components (service type, organizational quality, quantity or dosage, and risk level) with regard to recidivism and intervention optimization as well as the development of a sex offender program specific SPEP™ tool.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

