Individual Submission Summary

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Situational Contexts of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparison of Single and Group Perpetration

Wed, Nov 15, 3:30 to 4:50pm, Marriott, Room 403, 4th Floor


The amount of social scientific knowledge focused on the problem of intimate partner violence against women continues to grow. Some research offers insight into important variables associated with this type of violence such as income, race, and age. Other research indicates that not all violence against women by an intimate involves an offender acting alone. While this body of work offers important understanding, we also know that these variables do not operate in a vacuum. This suggests the need to better understand the situational contexts associated with this type of violence. Therefore, using National Crime Victimization Survey data, we explore the situational contexts of intimate partner violence against women when committed by a single offender to that committed by a group of offenders. Findings from this research can offer a deeper understanding of intimate violence against women and possibly offer insight into minimizing or eradicating it.
