Individual Submission Summary

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Understanding Genocide Denial Legislation

Thu, Nov 16, 12:30 to 1:50pm, Marriott, Room 405, 4th Floor


Several countries touched by the scourge of genocide have responded by criminalizing the denial of this fact. The motivations for outlawing genocide denial is varied and the legislation coverage does vary from state to state. Some nations are quite narrow in what behavior is criminalized and others are much broader in their coverage of activity. Since a key function of the law is provide adequate notice to individuals it is important to understand what behavior is prohibited and in which location it is forbidden. One state’s illegal denial behavior may be legal in another country. The scope of denial legislation is often related to the rationale behind the law connecting intent and action. These laws may also serve as guides for other countries desiring to prohibit denial thus creating more continuity among international criminal laws.
