Individual Submission Summary

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Understanding Radicalization and Terrorism: Causes, Communication and Concerns

Thu, Nov 16, 7:15 to 8:15pm, Marriott, Grand Ballroom Salon E, 5th Floor


Many attempts to understand terrorism include using explanations similar to that of religious cults of 1970s in the United States, extreme poverty in South Asia, political conflict in various parts of the world, and societies based on theology and dogma. These provide relevant insights into the evolving puzzle of radicalism and terrorism, but need to be explored further. Religion, poverty, alienation, politics, etc. represent overlapping and competing forces that shape attitudes and perceptions not defined by a geographical boundary. Globalization and advanced means of communication have made both, factual information and propaganda, accessible in equal measure. This study explores these topics with reference to cultural and economic complexities, impact of foreign policy, ethnic identity, and cultural communication.
