Session Submission Summary

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Early Intervention Systems: The State of the Art

Fri, Nov 17, 12:30 to 1:50pm, Marriott, Grand Ballroom Salon L, 5th Floor

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Police early intervention (EI) systems are seen by many inside and outside of policing as promising mechanisms for enhancing police integrity. But social science provides little evidence on the effectiveness of EI systems in reducing misconduct or their (unintended) inhibiting effects on appropriate uses of police authority. This purpose of this project is to augment the extant evidence on the structure, operation, and effectiveness of EI systems. Based on a 2014 survey of law enforcement agencies that reportedly had an EI system in 2007, we identified six agencies whose EI systems differ from one another in key structural respects. We conducted process evaluations in all six agencies, and outcome evaluations in four of them.

Sub Unit

Division of Special Interest

Individual Presentations
