Session Submission Summary

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Policing Blackness: Interrogating Perceptions, Behaviors, & Interactions

Thu, Nov 16, 2:00 to 3:20pm, Marriott, Room 302, 3rd Floor

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Today police are at the center of public debates about race and justice in U.S. cities small and large. Panelists will critically assess this juncture by drawing upon critical discourse analysis, and survey and statistical methods to understand the impacts of police in Black communities. We examine how discursive structures influence the ways the public perceives, challenges, or justifies, racial state violence against black women as revealed by responses to YouTube videos. And we interrogate involuntary interactions between police and young Black citizens in two studies, focusing on whether and when Blacks exhibit behaviors ranging between compliance and defiance, and the contextual factors that mediate these interactions. We hope these works will motivate much needed discussion among criminologists at such a critical historical juncture.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

