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Letting Those Who Walk the Walk Do the Talk: Lessons & Challenges from the Reducing Recidivism in Arizona Study

Thu, Nov 15, 7:15 to 8:15pm, Marriott, Atrium B, Atrium Level


Research in prison commonly involves surveys, qualitative interviews, or the analysis of administrative data conducted by researchers or graduate students. Seldom used, however, is research which involves those being studied as the stakeholders in the research process and outcomes of the research. This research approach, termed participatory action research (PAR), involves participation from the group members to determine both problems and their solutions in an action-driven research endeavor. Detailing our experiences from conducting such a study in an Arizona prison unit, the current paper seeks to demonstrate how the PAR paradigm can be a beneficial paradigm for conducting research in prison. This is especially true when those incarcerated are active participants in all parts of research process. Lessons and challenges for using this paradigm are discussed.
