Individual Submission Summary

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Studying the Social Ecology of Crime in Southern California: An Introduction to the ILSSC

Thu, Nov 15, 7:15 to 8:15pm, Marriott, Atrium B, Atrium Level


The Irvine Laboratory for the Study of Space and Crime (ILSSC) researches the social ecology of crime and provides scientifically-informed insights to the public. ILSSC investigates the community context of crime at various spatial scales by incorporating administrative, government, open and big data with cutting-edge geospatial and statistical methods. This poster highlights three projects reflecting our mission. 1) The *Southern California Crime Study* (SCCS) is a large-scale effort to collect incident-level crime data from police agencies in the region. 2) The *Southern California Regional Crime Report* annually reports crime rates to facilitate comparisons between cities within the region. 3) The *ILSSC Crime Index* utilizes open government data from cities across the nation to examine monthly crime trends.
