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What Do We Know from an ATM Hacking Case? Agencies Collaboration in Cybercrime Investigation

Wed, Nov 13, 3:30 to 4:50pm, Salon 4, Lower B2 Level


The increasing number of borderless cybercrime has brought new challenges to law enforcement that traditionally have designated jurisdictions and patrol territory. However, little is known what roles have been played by police on cybercrime investigation and how the crime has been committed in a virtual space. To address this question, the current study examines a high-profile case in Taiwan that European criminals hacked into First Commercial Bank and remotely control its ATMs to “spit out” millions of dollars. Through analysing qualitative data collected from different segments of law enforcement agencies, this case study reveals the importance of national-local police collaboration in fighting against transnational cybercrime. This study further highlights insightful, practical, and theoretical implications in cybercrime explanation, investigation, and prevention.
