Individual Submission Summary

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New Media Research Methodologies in Social Sciences

Thu, Nov 14, 5:00 to 6:20pm, Soma, Area 2, 2nd Level


On the one hand, the social researcher collects and analyzes the data of the present social processes, on the other hand, examines and predicts the trends of the future. Due to the technical development, research in the field of business, and on the field of social sciences are getting increasingly intertwined. The task of social research is to produce results visible and utilizable for the market (e.g. Behavioral patterns and analysis utilized in AI studies). Conversely, social researchers are increasingly using research methods developed by the private sector (business, government sector) to analyze and predict social processes (e.g. predictive analytics, situational and personal risk assessment etc.). The paper provides a comprehensive picture of the types of research methods emerging in the new media (5G) networked space, how can social sciences utilize the research tools of the business / government sector, and what are the actors (e.g. businesses, governments, politics, policy makers etc.) that utilize the results of modern social research.
