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Modeling Financial Costs of Criminal Victimization: HAVEN

Fri, Nov 18, 11:00am to 12:20pm, A705, Atrium Level


This presentation will describe the results of new financial cost models to measure the harms of victimization, including new estimates of the harms from violent victimization. Two sources of data were developed: (1) a household-based random sample data collection in Camden, NJ (n=~400) of “high likelihood of violent and repeat victimization individuals” describes the prevalence of victim harms and the use of health and human services in five harm (cost) domains; and, (2) integrated administrated criminal justice/health and human service data from three cities to examine the life course harms of violent victimization (assaults) in four additional harm (cost) domains. These data were combined to estimate total victim harms from violence. This presentation will report new estimates of the mean harms (with confidence intervals) of violent victimization, and, describe statistical techniques for researchers to apply these new methods and new estimates.
