Paper Summary

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Clouds, Rivers, and Mountains of Knowledge: Visualizing the History of Knowledge in Large Historical Datasets

Fri, November 10, 3:45 to 5:30pm, Marriott Downtown Chicago, Floor: 10th, O'Hare


The project Knowevo ( ) uses computational analysis of large structured historical datasets designed to represent knowledge (such as historical editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Library of Congress Catalog ) to delineate structures, relations, and historical changes within and across various domains of knowledge. We present four interactive tools: 1) Clouds of Knowledge is a visualization of the LC collection based on the LCC categories clustered by subject headings based on a a force-directed graph; 2) Mountains of Knowledge visualizes the domains of knowledge as a 3-d mountainous surface projecting from the square plane produced by the LC categories; 3) Rivers of Knowledge is a stream graph that shows domains as “streams” whose width changes over time reflecting the corresponding proportion of the LC collection ; 4) Facebook of the Past allows one to investigate social and intellectual connections of persons featured in historical editions of Britannica and reconstruct changes in the the underlying social graph.
