Session Submission Summary

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Patterns of Jewish Migration in the Russian Empire

Fri, November 10, 3:45 to 5:30pm, Marriott Downtown Chicago, Floor: 4th, Clark

Session Submission Type: Panel

Brief Description

The panel is dedicated to the migration of the Jewish population in Late imperial Russia. Several key aspects of the Jewish migration will be presented. First of all, we will discuss the relationship between the Empire and the migration organizations as well as the involvement of imperial institutions in the migration process. The interpretation of the pogroms as a trigger for Jewish emigration from Russian Empire will be examined. Internal Jewish migration from the Pale of Settlement will be shown in the context of wider economic and socio-cultural processes. The aim of the panel is to show the origins of Eastern European Jewish migration and to consider these processes not only from the Jewish studies perspective but also from the perspective of the history of the Russian Empire.

Sub Unit


