Session Submission Summary

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Consolidating and Challenging Authoritarian Populism in Poland and Hungary

Fri, November 10, 3:45 to 5:30pm, Marriott Downtown Chicago, Floor: 5th, Chicago Ballroom H

Session Submission Type: Panel

Brief Description

How have PiS and Fidesz tried to consolidate power in the years since coming to power in Poland and Hungary? How has this new, pugnacious right been able to appeal to a disparate set of interests and identities? And why is the opposition facing such difficulties challenging it? This panel will explore the institutions of governing authoritarian populism that have enabled it to thrive, as well as the nature and ideologies of the supporters it has galvanized and the opposition it has both mobilized and fragmented. We characterize the nature of these regimes as they have developed so far, explore the directions in which they are likely headed, and speculate on the conditions and approaches that might block their way.

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