Session Submission Summary

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Teaching Russian through Film: III

Sat, November 7, 8:00 to 9:30am, Virtual Convention Platform, Room 9

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Brief Description

The roundtable seeks to explore the use of Russo-Soviet Film to teach the Russian language. Participants discuss the use of film in a proficiency-oriented and student-centered-classroom. The discussion focuses on the development of speaking, listening, and writing while using the wide variety of feature and documentary films from the Soviet 1920s till the recent winners of international film festivals made in the Russian language. The roundtable also will discuss the textbooks, already published or just at the beginning of the publication process. The participants are going to exchange their syllabi teaching materials, and/or lesson plans for particular films and activities. The roundtable has three sections A, B, and C.

Sub Unit


Roundtable Members

Session Manager