Session Submission Summary

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Revolution 1917 in Soviet Collective Memory: 1918-1986

Thu, November 5, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Virtual Convention Platform, Room 6

Session Submission Type: Panel

Brief Description

Anniversary of Russian Revolution is to be considered as an element of memory politics and identity construction. According to Pierre Nora and Paul Ricœur old mnemonics narratives are to be replaced by new as the result of work of memory. Anniversary amnesia of 2017 finalised century-old dying of the Revolution as a lieu de mémoire. While using official papers and popular narratives I’m going to argue main stages of this ‘sudden death’ of the Revolution which includes 1928, 1936, 1956 and 1986.
he democratic changes in the USSR and the collapse of the Communist regime provided a basis for rethinking the essence and nature of revolutionary events. They are gradually erased from the historical memory of modern Russian society.

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