Individual Submission Summary

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Management of education for displaced populations

Tue, March 7, 4:30 to 6:00pm, Sheraton Atlanta, Floor: 1, Georgia 2 (South Tower)


Acquiring accurate data on displaced populations may be challenging for MoEs, making management and planning difficult. One strategy that has been used is to harmonize data on displaced populations with existing Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and using OpenEMIS. It may also be necessary to strengthen national information systems and improve data collection on displaced populations. The discussion will look at strategies, such as focusing on training efforts in specific regions that host large numbers of displaced people for ministry staff who have specific planning responsibilities.
Financial challenges may be rooted in already limited budgetary allocations to education, and may be addressed by coordinating and aligning humanitarian agencies’ work on providing education in emergencies with MoE efforts. These needs may also be addressed by the provision of funds through partners such as GPE.
