Individual Submission Summary

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Case Study One: Morocco (Led by the Moroccan Ministry of Education):

Tue, March 7, 4:30 to 6:00pm, Sheraton Atlanta, Floor: 1, Georgia 4 (South Tower)


The facilitator will describe Morocco’s recent efforts to integrate primary and secondary teacher certification under one institution (known as a CRMEF), as a way of creating a unified system that will deliver professional certifications for teaching. The facilitator will elaborate upon the status of early grade reading instruction in initial teacher training; currently it is only considered within the series of training activities aimed at learning four skills: planning, management, assessment, and educational research. The facilitator will discuss the lack of knowledge among CRMEF professors of any primary-level teaching experience or any early grade reading instructional principles. The facilitator will also discuss options that the Ministry has considered to address some of these challenges, including: a) selecting student teachers among highly motivated high school graduates, b) increasing training duration from 1 to 4 years, c) creating a university specialization in primary school teaching, including reading instruction as a main subject, d) mentoring teacher trainees, e) creating reading laboratories to address reading problems through an action-research approach. Participants will advance ideas and discuss which principles, practices, lessons learned, and ideas from the presentations in part I might apply to accelerating Morocco’s progress towards having a pre-service training system that could effectively prepare teachers to teach early grade reading.
