Session Submission Summary

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Workshop: Differences in math proficiency between and within countries: Key variables influencing performance

Sun, March 5, 3:00 to 6:00pm, Sheraton Atlanta, Floor: 1, Georgia 4 (South Tower)

Session Submission Type: Workshop

Description of Session

Mathematics proficiency is a key skill that students need to master, given its association with higher incomes for individuals and the economic prosperity of nations. The purpose of this workshop is to highlight differences in students’ mathematics performance between countries, to identify the main variables associated with the development of mathematical skills, and discuss the implications for the design of policies, programs and interventions at different levels. The workshop will include a presentation of the key ideas from the literature, underscoring the role of multiple variables in math performance such as SES, home practices, attitudes and math anxiety, among others. The workshop will offer activities to support participants’ understanding of key concepts in math education research, and will finalize with an activity to identify strategies to address the variables associated with the development of mathematical thinking.

Sub Unit

Workshop Organizers