Individual Submission Summary

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Strengthening systems to sustain early grade reading initiatives in Uganda

Thu, March 29, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Hilton Reforma, Floor: 2nd Floor, Don Diego 4 Section A


The USAID / Uganda the School Health and Program (SHRP) a seven year (2012 – 2019) USAID funded initiative implemented by RTI has as one of its objectives as improving reading ability for young children in 12 local languages and English in 37 Districts.
The program works through government systems and helping to build capacity and strengthen systems at National (MoES) and District levels and ongoing engagement with government systems through: targeted Technical Assistance; workshops; training and working through established systems & structures:
• MoES Departments & affiliated institutions
• PTCs/ CCTs
• Universities
• Local Language Boards
• Language Writing Panels
• District and Municipality Education Offices
• Technical Working Groups.
The paper will explore how the program has worked with and through the system to sustain early grade reading initiatives in Uganda in areas of EGR materials development, teacher training, Early Grade Reading Assessment, monitoring and support supervision, addendum to the primary teacher education curriculum, working through the Coordinating Centre Tutors and Primary Teacher Colleges and incorporating reading into national inspection tools and districts plans.
