Individual Submission Summary

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Advocacy and political commitment against the commercialisation of education in the Francophone countries

Wed, March 28, 5:00 to 6:30pm, Hilton Reforma, Floor: 2nd Floor, Don Diego 1 Section D


In November 2016, 302 organisations from 38 countries of the Francophone area launched the Francophone Call against commercialisation of education. It was the result of a wide participation process in which civil society organisations, intergovernmental organisations and States’ representative from various countries discussed the text. The Call refers to international human rights law and to specific political commitments made within the Francophone space. It includes 9 general principles on the implementation of the right to education, 9 general observations on the current educational challenges and 9 specific concerns regarding the commercialisation and privatisation of and in education. The same month, following this important civil society mobilisation, 57 heads of State and Governments of the International Organisation of La Francophonie raised concerns regarding the development of commercialisation of education and reaffirmed their commitment in favour of public quality education in the Antananarivo Declaration, adopted in conclusion of the 2016 Francophonie Summit. The organisation has been pioneer in taking position on the privatisation issue since 2008. The paper will review and analyse the various declarations made over the past ten years demonstrating how Francophone countries value the importance of public education and the regulation of private education. It will also present the exceptional mobilisation of civil society organisations gathering in a Francophone Network against the commercialisation of education demonstrating how it has influenced political decisions and contribute to the development of Human rights guiding principles on States’ obligations regarding the involvement of private actors in education. These important social mobilisation and political commitment reflect the specific Francophone context as regards its historical background and values. The paper will put the specificity of the Francophonie in perspective with other regional and language space as well as the global movement.


International Organisation of La Francophonie. (2016). Antananarivo Declaration. Paragraph 39.

Call of the Francophone civil society organisation against commercialisation of education. (2016).

France commits to act against commercialisation of education in international cooperation. (2017). Right to Education Initiative News.
Francophone Network against the commercialisation of education:

Right to Education Initiative. Human rights guiding principles on States’ obligations regarding the involvement of private actors in education:

In response to civil society mobilisation, 57 heads of States make a landmark commitment against the commercialisation of education. Right to Education Initiative News.

Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères et du Développpement International. (2017). Stratégie française 2017-2021 pour l’éducation, la formation professionnelle et l’insertion:
