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A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions about the Influence of Challenging Factors on Students’ Disruptive Behaviors in Early Childhood Classrooms

Mon, April 15, 3:15 to 4:45pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Bay (Level 1), Bayview A/B Foyers


The climax of cause and effect on the stage of education is the challenging factors to Early Childhood Education (ECE) and its effects on students’ disruptive behaviors. There is juxtapose of these challenging factors and students’ behavioral disruption. The more effective is the practice of ECE the better will be the behaviors of the students because weak ECE system can be proved as hamartia in the character of students which hampers them from sustainability. The learning of a child begins at birth which ensures the responsibilities of families, community and institutions to strive as Trojan Horse and bestow upon children the time and resources for the achievement of success and good behaviors. The drift of the current passage is to investigate about the influence of challenging factors on the disruptive behaviors of students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Early Childhood Education is the backbone for the development of education. It is the first formal stage in the education of a child which teaches him not only to learn about the things but also to have experience about the social trends and behaviors. The developed world spends a handsome amount on ECE, to teach their coming generations effectively and to prepare them for a peaceful society because the moral and behavioral development of a child depends upon a strong ECE. Since 1980s, ECE has become a formal portion of education in Pakistan but this seat of learning is very weak and is still passing through its early stages. The teachers are facing challenges in its implementation while having no specific budget for its development and if there is any that is too little to fill the meagre of the sector. In a country like Pakistan, a well-developed ECE is the prologue to eradicate the plague of inequality and poverty where according to the decree of the state 5 to 16 years of education is the fundamental right of every child. But whenever we talk about ECE in Pakistan, the basic questions that come to mind are about the space for children, learning resources, teachers training and parents’ understanding about the importance of the stage for the education of their children. National Plan of Action (NPA) identified the needs for a specific room, teacher, learning materials and teaching kits for ECE but still ECE in Pakistan is just like Cyndrella, being the most beautiful always deprived of its legitimate rights. This weakness becomes the cause of students’ disruptive behaviors in their ECE classrooms. They behave disruptively and remain far behind the goal of education.
The convergent mixed method research design will be applied for conducting research. Data will be collected from ECE teachers with the help of standardized questionnaire and one on one semi structured interview in terrorism affected province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Data from questionnaire will be analyzed through mean and standard deviation while data from interview will be thematically categorized.
