Individual Submission Summary

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Skills, Competencies and Pathways for Stronger Secondary Education Systems

Thu, April 18, 8:00 to 9:30am, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Atrium (Level 2), Boardroom C


In this presentation the main report authors, from the Oversees Development Institute, will present key findings and recommendations from Chapters 2 (Ensuring Relevant Skills), Chapter 3 (Designing Systems to Foster Learning), and Chapter 4 (Meeting the Needs of Out of School Children and the Displaced} of the report, including recommendations in each of these areas. Each chapter draws on a range of empirical studies and commissioned background papers which have been reviewed by a panel of experts. Key questions will be addressed as follows:
• Ensuring Relevant Knowledge & Skills
• What skills and competencies do young people in Africa need to prepare for the workforce of the future and what works in helping youth acquire these skills?
• Designing Systems to Foster Improved Learning
• How should secondary education be structured to ensure young people achieve the skills and competencies they need?
• Meeting the Needs of Out-of-School Youth and Displaced Populations
• How can governments ensure access to quality, relevant secondary education or its equivalent for out-of-school youth and displaced populations
