Individual Submission Summary

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New ways of looking at perennial problems: The aims and rationale for the UNICEF Think Piece Series on Education

Thu, April 18, 11:45am to 1:15pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Pacific Concourse (Level -1), Pacific K


This introductory presentation will consider the state of education in the 21 Eastern and Southern African (ESA) countries, making note of the persistent challenges that are common throughout the region. I will discuss how these challenges have prompted the development of the UNICEF Think Piece Series in order to provide fresh and cutting-edge thinking on how to address the perennial problems that constrain the quality of education in the ESA region. I will also discuss the Think Pieces’ aims of challenging the status quo and encouraging new ways of thinking amongst UNICEF Education Advisers, particularly with regard to approaching problems from a systems perspective; as this will ensure that solutions are implemented at scale and through ministry of education structures able to sustain them. This panel will consist of four Think Pieces from the 10-part series and presenters with invite participants to discuss and reflect on how and to what degree the Think Pieces can and should be applied to all countries within ESA and sub-Saharan Africa more broadly, in order to achieve meaningful educational improvements and meet SDG 4 targets for all.
