Individual Submission Summary

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What role for Education Management Information Systems? Supporting the strengthening of EMIS at country level

Tue, April 16, 3:15 to 4:45pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Pacific Concourse (Level -1), Pacific L


This presentation will report back on the proceedings of a joint GPE/UNESCO conference on EMIS that was held in Paris in early March 2018. The event connected over 100 participants for three days, including more than 60 experts from EMIS departments across 20 developing countries, and more than 15 international organizations (bilateral and multilateral technical partners), as well as representatives from the private sector. The primary objective was of taking stock of the role that EMIS plays in educational development, the challenges that developing countries face in relation to deploying an EMIS, and the policy lessons that can be learned from successful country experiences. Presentation of key conference takeaways will be closely linked to the role EMIS plays in supporting stronger education systems.
