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Conducting an education sector analysis in Eritrea

Thu, April 18, 1:30 to 3:00pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Bay (Level 1), Seacliff C


Education Sector analysis is an exercise where the data available on education indicators and related indicators are collected and analyzed to understand the status of equity, access and quality of education in a country. GPE-IIEP Guidelines on ESA provides the methodology for ESA in a country.

Eritrea conducted its first education sector analysis in 2017 with support from the GPE Secretariat. The methodology, data requirements, process, report writing were conducted by the ministry teams according to the ESA Guidelines provided by the GPE Secretariat.

The MoE will present how ministry capacity was strengthened by the experience of forming teams, understanding the tasks, collecting and analyzing the data and consultation on the ESA.
