Session Submission Summary

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Gender-Transformative Education Consultation

Tue, April 16, 1:30 to 3:00pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Pacific Concourse (Level -1), Pacific N

Group Submission Type: Special Session

Description of Session

Plan International, UNICEF, UNGEI and the CIES Gender and Education Standing Committee are co-sponsoring a consultation on gender-transformative education. This event will invite gender and education scholars and practitioners to provide input into the development of an operational framework to guide gender-transformative education programming. The consultation will identify the concepts and theories underpinning the term gender-transformative education and what it would or does look like in practice. This conversation will feed into the development of an open-access white paper, and participants will be presented the opportunity to join a reference group if they are interested in continuing to feed into the development of the white paper. For more information please contact or

Sub Unit
