Individual Submission Summary

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The development of a Francophone research network on the privatization and commercialization of education: Research plans and perspective

Mon, March 23, 5:15 to 6:45pm EDT (5:15 to 6:45pm EDT), Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: 4th, Flamingo


In a context of massification of primary education in Francophone Africa over the past two decades, particularly under the influence of international development organizations, the issue of privatization and commercialization has become crucial, as States are no longer in a position to effectively meet the social demand for education (Compaoré, Kobiané & Compaoré, 2017; D’aiglepierre, 2013; Lange & Henaff, 2015; Lauwerier, 2013; Koutou & Goi Bi, 2019). This constitutes a major challenge in terms of the right to quality education for all. However it is difficult to answer the following questions: To what extent has privatization gained momentum in the region at different levels of education? Has it been accompanied by a commercialization? And what are the consequences?

Indeed, even if research on the privatization and commercialization of education is abundant, it has remained marginal on Francophone Africa. While an international network of Anglophone researchers on this topic has been established, the non-visibility of research on the Francophone area has been noted. In parallel with this observation, various international meetings in recent years have shown that this topic is of interest to African policy-makers (ministries, elected officials), African civil society organizations (CSOs: teachers' unions, parents' organizations, etc.), bilateral or multilateral cooperation (OIF, AUF, CONFEMEN, UNESCO, UNICEF, etc.), national and international NGOs.

Thus, it seems essential to create a network of researchers. The central objectives of the project on this issue are:
1. to make an inventory of research on this topic in Francophone Africa;
2. to reflect on new research issues to be explored and to create the necessary methodological tools, in particular to support the implementation of the Abidjan Principles;
3. to work with the international Anglophone network, whose studies on this topic are already very extensive.

This network of researchers will work closely with the actors of the various organizations mentioned above who have expressed their interest in the research to be carried out. Beyond addressing the scientific (conceptual and methodological) and societal (attainment of SDG4) issues related to the privatization of education, this network will have the advantage of creating visibility for research and researchers (young and advanced) from different disciplines working in/on Francophone Africa.

This paper will present the Francophone network and the research plan established by its researchers, explaining how the Abidjan Principles are used to support the research.


Compaoré, M., Kobiané, J.-F. & Compaoré, M. (2017). Dynamiques éducatives au Burkina Faso: bilan et perspectives. Paris: L’Harmattan.

D’aiglepierre, R. (2013). L’enseignement privé en Afrique subsaharienne - enjeux, situations et perspectives de partenariats public-privé. Paris: AFD.

Lange, M.-F. & Henaff, N. (Ed.) (2015). Internationalisation et transformation des systèmes éducatifs au Sud. Revue Tiers Monde, 223, 9-204.

Lauwerier, T. (2013). L’influence de la Banque mondiale sur les politiques d’éducation de base en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone: les cas du Mali et du Sénégal de 1980 à 2010.Genève: Université de Genève.

Koutou, N. C. & Goi Bi, Z. T. (2019). Étude sur la privatisation de l’école en Côte d’Ivoire. Bruxelles: Internationale de l’éducation.
