Individual Submission Summary

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Technology for reading teaching

Thu, March 26, 1:45 to 3:15pm EDT (1:45 to 3:15pm EDT), Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: 3rd, Stanford


Improving students’ reading skills is a real challenge in conflict settings due to low qualification of remaining regular teachers and non-formal system educators. They are not trained in efficient reading instructional techniques nor in caring attitudes or playful activities that could nurture children often traumatized by the conflict.
To address special student needs although scarce human resources, both projects built on Interactive Audio Instruction programs developed by the Road to Reading Program between 2008 and 2013. Programs are used with the teacher or AE facilitators with their students. It ensures that appropriate techniques are used in literacy lessons, that all skills targeted are developed, and that lessons are playful and active.
299 AEP centers and 199 formal schools were provided with full IAI kits composed of MP3 readers, MP3 key containing 360 audio programs, set of posters, set of label, set of flashcards, alphabet table, user guid. Facilitators and teachers were trained in how to use it during one 1-day training.
After a short video of a teacher using a IAI program, the presenter will present ERSA’s experience and results in providing students with such instructional materials. IAI contributed to improve students literacy skills, teachers and facilitators’ instructional techniques. Safety and well-being studies conducted by the project also demonstrate how students were enthousiastic about IAI lessons.
