Individual Submission Summary

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Technology for youth education program

Thu, March 26, 1:45 to 3:15pm EDT (1:45 to 3:15pm EDT), Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: 3rd, Stanford


According to all communities, youth instruction, employement, and engagement are the key to recover from the crisis. Uneducated and unemployed youth are easy marks for violent extremism. Providing them with education and training is challenging since they have various occupations : they contribute to family business and young women have housework and care children. Face to face instruction time requieres to be reduced.
To reinforce their learning, USAID/ERSA provided youth with mLearning materials. The mLearning component is intended to reinforce the learning that occurred in class. Youth received tablets with a set of lessons in literacy, numeracy, functional French and entrepreneurship. In addition, an audio drama of 64 episodes was provided, that chronicled the efforts of two youth to launch a market gardening business.
In addition to OSY centers where youth attend courses delivered by volunteers, ERSA set up youth clubs in order to promote youth civic engagement through peer education. ERSA staff developed a Series of 6 audio programs to promote civic engagement, and provided them on a USB-key, along with a MP3 reader and a user guide, to 70 youth clubs.
