Session Submission Summary

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Analyzing large scale assessment data using the R package RALSA

Sun, March 10, 9:30am to 3:30pm, Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: Third Level, Pearson 1

Group Submission Type: Pre-conference Workshop

Description of Session

The workshop is intended for participants with varying familiarity and understanding of international large-scale assessments and surveys’ (ILSAs) methodology and the R software and statistical programming language.

The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part will make a short introduction to ILSAs' complex sampling and assessment designs using TIMSS as an example. A specific stress will be put on the consequences of these designs on the analysis of studies' data using examples.

The second part will introduce the analysis software (RALSA) for analyzing data from ILSAs. Although RALSA is an R package, it is equipped with a graphical user interface where the analyst can point and click to make all analysis settings. Thus, no familiarity with R is expected from the participants. The data preparation and analysis features will be explained. The overview will also include demonstrations on using both the command line and the graphical user interface, but the mode for this session will be on the graphical user interface only. The remaining time will be devoted to guided hands-on training using the graphical user interface of the package. Through these guided exercises all features will be demonstrated. If the time permits, at the end of the workshop assignments will be given to the participants to complete on their own with assistance from the instructor.

The workshop will use data from selected countries participating in the IEA’s Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2019. Regardless of the study and the cycle, RALSA always applies the correct estimation techniques, given the study design and implementation.

By the end of the workshop the participants are expected to have gained the following:

Knowledge, understanding and appreciation on the ILSAs design and methodology, as well as the statistical complexities and issues for analyzing their data;
Knowledge and understanding on the computational routines used in ILSAs; and
Skills to analyze data using an R package, tailored for ILSAs design.

Target group and previous knowledge requirements
The workshop is intended both for analysts who do not have yet the knowledge and experience using ILSAs’ data and using R, as well as for researchers with more experience.

Previous experience with R is welcome, but not a prerequisite, RALSA has intuitive and easy to use syntax, as well as graphical user interface. Working knowledge on basic statistics is required, but not familiarity with R. All materials for the workshop, including the software, will be provided free of charge. The participants will need a computer to install the software and perform the sample analyses before. The installation of the software needs to take place before the workshop.

Sub Unit


Workshop Organizer

Presenting author