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Post-pandemic Pedagogy Lessons Learned: An Evaluation of the Flipped Classroom

Sat, November 18, 10:00 to 11:30am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Floor: International Level, International Salon 6


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Higher Ed focused on traditional classroom lecturing, with limited online instruction, and student engagement was falling. Fast-forward to March 2020 when all in-person teaching went 100% online, and student engagement declined even more. The pandemic shone a light on the inadequacies (and irrelevancies) of Higher Ed, and now there’s no going back. This paper reviews post-pandemic pedagogy lessons learned, especially the use of Flipped Classrooms to combat increased faculty workload and decreased student grades caused by COVID. To evaluate the Flipped Classroom effectiveness, the authors used data from three different decision science courses across three semesters.
