Individual Submission Summary

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Access to Flexible Work Options As a Source of Feelings of Respect and Leader Endorsement

Sun, May 24, 10:30 to 11:45, Caribe Hilton, Conference Room 6


Organizations are increasingly offering flexible work arrangements (FWA). Some employees view these FWA as negotiated perks for valued employees. However, at times supervisors deny their subordinates access to some or all FWA. This decision may affect employees’ a) feelings of being respected, and b) leader endorsement. Based on the social identity approach and its leadership model, leader in-group prototypicality (i.e., the supervisor’s representativeness of group identity) should moderate these relationships. Results from a large-sample survey at one organization show that indeed only in-group prototypical supervisors’ FWA use-related decisions influence employees’ feelings of respect. Further, prototypical leaders’ endorsement is less contingent upon the favorability of their decisions. The paper discusses implications of these findings.
