Individual Submission Summary

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Employees’ Reactions to Inquiries of Outsiders in the Event of Negative Media Coverage

Sun, May 24, 13:30 to 14:45, Caribe Hilton, Tropical A


When the media reports negatively about an organization its employees are not only affected, but also a source of information for outsiders who want to find out more about the situation. Because of their credibility, employees’ can support PR to preserve or restore organizational reputation. In this research we explore the role of organizational identification and internal corporate communication (ICC) in the event of negative media coverage for employees’ assertive and defensive impression management behaviors. Results from an online survey among employed persons reveal that employees’ identification with their work organization positively influences their assertive as well as defensive reactions. ICC has a more differentiated influence on employees’ reactions: If ICC is evaluated well, employees’ assertive reactions increase; if evaluated poorly, employees’ exhibit more defensive reactions. These findings show that ICC can make a difference in winning employees as ambassadors for the organization in critical situations.
